الحج السياحى.. اعادة توزيع تأشيرات المعتذرين

اعلنت غرفة شركات السياحة عن إعادة توزيع التأشيرات المتبقية على الشركات السياحية وهي فائض المعتذرين، وفائض القرعة، بإجمالي 129 تأشيرة.
وأضافت الغرفة في خطاب لها ، أنه سيتم إعادة توزيع التأشيرات المعتذرين وفائض القرعة، بإجمالي 129 تأشيرة حج لموسم 1444 هـ، بواقع تأشيرة لكل 138 حاجا بريا، وبالنسبة للطيران بواقع تأشيرة لكل 120 حاجا، على أن تتقدم الشركات بطلباتهم بمقر الإدارة العامة للسياحة الدينية في الوزارة أو بمقر البعثة بمكة المكرمة.
واوضحت أن آخر يوم هو الأحد الموافق 2023/6/4 للحصول على التأشيرة، وإلا سيسقط بعدها حق الشركة في الحصول على التأشيرة مع الالتزام بتطبيق الضابط الخاص بالتصعيد وفق قوائم الانتظار وتطبيق قواعد التخطي، لذا، فعلى الشركات السياحية المنظمة لرحلات الحج هذا العام 1444هـ، التفضل بالعلم والإحاطة واتخاذ اللازم نحو هذا الشأن.
The Hajj is one of the most important religious obligations for Muslims and the second of the five pillars of Islam. Every year, millions of Muslim pilgrims travel to the holy city of Mecca, in Saudi Arabia, to take part in the Hajj, which is known as one of the largest gatherings of the world's population in one place.
Unfortunately, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Hajj was significantly affected and Saudi Arabia had to temporarily suspend the pilgrimage for safety reasons. However, the Kingdom recently announced a new policy that allows those who had previously registered for the pilgrimage to be issued visas and travel to Mecca for the Hajj.
To facilitate the distribution of new visas, the Saudi government has introduced a new policy of issuing special Hajj visas specifically designed for those who have missed the pilgrimage due to the pandemic. Under the new policy, each able-bodied Muslim will be able to apply for a Hajj visa if he or she meets certain conditions.
The Ministry of Hajj and Umrah has also recently announced that, in addition to the new policy, it is also making special arrangements for those willing to perform the Hajj in consecutive years. People who have obtained visas this year will not need to re-apply for another one next year.
The announcement of the new Hajj policy is indeed welcome news for the Muslim community all over the world. It is a sign that Saudi Arabia is determined to ensure that the pilgrimage will continue to be performed even under difficult circumstances, and it is sure to bring joy to the hearts of many Muslims who were hoping to perform the Hajj this year.